- epiphy::aphidsCounts of aphids.
- epiphy::arthropodsCounts of arthropods.
- epiphy::citrus_ctvIncidence of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) disease in three fields.
- epiphy::codling_mothsCount of codling moth larvae.
- epiphy::dogwood_anthracnoseIncidence of dogwood anthracnose.
- epiphy::hop_virusesIncidence of three viruses in an Australian hop garden.
- epiphy::offspring_survivalOffspring survival of rats experiencing different diets.
- epiphy::onion_bacterial_blightIncidence of bacterial blight of onion.
- epiphy::pyrethrum_ray_blightIncidence of ray blight disease of pyrethrum.
- epiphy::simulated_epidemicsExamples of simulated epidemic data.
- epiphy::tobacco_virusesIncidence of tobacco plants infected with viruses.
- epiphy::tomato_tswvIncidence of tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) disease in field trials.